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Incentive Programs

Long-term performance share program

The Annual General Meeting 2024 resolved that the Performance Share Program 2024/2027 will in total comprise up to 42 individuals and not more than 42,000 ordinary shares in Hemnet may be transferred to the participants.

The purpose of the Performance Share Program 2024/2027 is to contribute to the company's possibilities to retain and attract key competence and to increase motivation for the executive management and certain other key employees in the company by being involved in and working towards the objectives of the performance targets, which aims at supporting the long-term ambitions of Hemnet.

A description of outstanding incentive programs adopted prior to the Annual General Meeting 2024 can be found in Note G8 in Hemnet's Annual and Sustainability Report 2023.

Long-term warrant programs

Hemnet's long term warrant programs constitute part of the competitive total remuneration package through which the executive management and certain other key employees of Hemnet are offered warrants.

The motives for the warrant program are to contribute to the possibilities to retain and attract key competence and to increase motivation for the executive management and certain other key employees in the company by being involved in working for a positive value increase of the company's shares during the period covered by the respective warrant program. Warrant Program 2021/2024 and Warrant Program 2022/2025 runs over a three-year period and Warrant Program 2023/2027 runs over a four-year period.

A description of outstanding incentive programs adopted prior to the Annual General Meeting 2024 can be found in Note G8 in Hemnet's Annual and Sustainability Report 2023.

Share Savings Program 2022/2025

Hemnet's Annual General Meeting resolved on 29 April 2022 to adopt the Share Savings Program 2022/2025. In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Annual General Meeting all permanent employees in Hemnet as of 3 November 2022 were offered participation in the share savings program. Participation in the share savings program required that the participant made a private investment in ordinary shares in Hemnet, by acquiring 200, 400 or 800 shares on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period 2 May 2022 to 2 November 2022. If a participant retains ownership of the acquired shares during the period starting on 3 November 2022 and ending on 3 November 2025 and the participant remains employed by the company during this period, the participant will be entitled to receive, without consideration, one ordinary share for each pair of acquired and retained ordinary shares. The number of shares that can be allotted may be subject to customary re-calculation.

The motives for the implementation of the Share Savings Program 2022/2025 are to contribute to the company's possibilities to retain and attract employees and to align the employee's interests with the interests of the shareholders.

A description of outstanding incentive programs can be found in Note G8 in Hemnet's Annual and Sustainability Report 2022.